Regular price $20.85 Sale

Country: Kenya
Region: Kirinyaga
Producer Baragwi Muchagara factory
Elevation: 1700 - 1800 masl
Cultivar: SL 28, SL 34, Ruiru 11
Process: Kenyan double washed
Import Partner: 

Notes: Blackberry, pomegranate, plum, sugared lemon, milk chocolate

Muchagara Factory is a wet processing centre in Kirinyaga County, Kenya. It was opened in 1959 and is the oldest wet processing centre in the county. The peaks of snow-capped Mount Kenya are visible from the factory, providing a stunning backdrop.The Kirinyaga region is rich in volcanic soil, credited for giving coffee in this area its vibrant acidity and berry dominant flavours. The cooperative processes and exports coffee, but it also works to promote the social and economic interests of its members.

This lot is made using a traditional wet fermented washed process, meaning you’ll be able to find lots of berry flavours reminiscent of the British summer. Expect blackcurrant, redcurrant, rhubarb and sweet caramel flavours with subtle floral aromas.

In the Kenyan washed fermentation method, farmers de-pulp the cherries immediately after harvest and place the mucilage-coated seeds in fermentation tanks, keeping contact with water at the minimum, for 36 to 48 hours. The fermentation helps break down the mucilage making it easier to remove, but also helps develop the mucilage’s latent fruit properties, imparting some of those properties into the coffee seed.